Once researchers started uncovering the synergy of food-based antioxidants for skin health, the focus turned to other nonvitamin antioxidants that could serve as UV protectors. Those amazing phytochemicals we consume in healthy foods and beverages have skin-protecting and age-proofing nuttients. A diet rich in a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables can put the brakes Read more
Extrinsic Skin Aging – Radiation and Environmental Factors
If you want to see the skin-aging process in overdrive, look at the skin under the toxic influences of what is called extrinsic aging. UV Radiation UV radiation hits our skin in the form of damaging UVA and UVB rays. Try this mnemonic device to remember the difference—UVA for Aging and UVB for Bad Bum. Read more
Essential Fatty Acids for Healthy Skin
Certain types of fats are essential to human life. “Essential” means we cannot make these special fats on our own, and in their absence, disease and ultimately death will follow. One of the first telltale signs of the lack of essential fatty acids (EFAs) is right on the skin. Lack of EFAs will manifest with Read more
Antioxidant and Key Vitamins – Skin Care
Since the antioxidant defense systems in the skin depend entirely on nutrition for their operations, it’s important to pay attention to your diet and take oral supplemental antioxidants for UV protection and anti-aging. But research behind isolated antioxidants such as vitamin E or vitamin C alone has largely been disappointing. As our knowledge of antioxidants Read more
Advanced Glycation End Content as a Mirror of Health
You may know that a wrinkle is not just a wrinkle. The visual signs of aging are, in fact, a reflection of internal health. Looking older than one’s age is associated with heart, lung, and kidney diseases—and these are only the conditions that have actually been investigated. Since looking old for one’s age is associated Read more
What is Cystometrogram?
Fairly often an important test called a cystometrogram (or urodynamics) is needed. To do this, a small tube called a catheter is passed through the urethra to measure the pressure inside the bladder. This pressure is measured as the bladder is filled with fluid. Sometimes this test will show spasms of increased pressure, a condition Read more
Understanding Prostatic Cancer and Treatments
Cancer is an alarming word. Many men fear that their prostatic symptoms are caused by cancer. In most cases, this fear is unfounded, but it is true that cancer of the prostate is quite common. Like most types of cancer, prostatic cancer can be fatal. However, it is a form of cancer for which many Read more
Understanding Prostatitis
Inflammation of the prostate can occur at almost any age. It is often due to infection. Although cystitis – an infection of the urine causing burning and frequency – is more commonly a disease that affects women, these symptoms can occur in men. Such symptoms may be caused by an infection of the prostate called Read more
Types of Surgery for Prostate Cancer
Most people expect cancer to be treated by surgical removal of all or part of the organ in which it occurs, as in cancer of the breast in women, cancer of the testis, cancer of the kidney and in many other types of the disease. Although a famous urologist called Hugh Hampton Young working at Read more
Treatment Options for Enlarged Prostate
A lot of publicity has been given to heat and laser treatment for BPH, so much so that patients may be disappointed when they find that they cannot have this done in their local hospital. Heat treatment, ‘hypothermia’ or ‘thermotherapy’, heats up the prostate. The treatment is given through a probe placed either in the Read more
Surgery and Injections for Prostate Cancer
The usual operation to reduce male hormone levels is called a subcapsular orchiectomy and involves making a cut into each of the testicles and removing the active tissue from the inside so that they no longer produce testosterone. Occasionally removal of the whole testicle might be recommended. The injections are of a type of drug Read more
Screening Prostate Cancer
Cervical smears are used to screen for cancer of the cervix in women. Can PSA be used as a test to screen for cancer of the prostate in the same way? This is a difficult question to answer because there is no clear difference between the amount of PSA found in the blood of men Read more
Prostate Disorders – What Causes the Symptoms?
How Irritative Symptoms Develop The obstructive symptoms described above may not be too troublesome. However, the bladder has to work harder to overcome the obstruction and, after a while, this can affect the way it behaves. Some men develop irritative symptoms. They need to pass urine very often (frequency), with a feeling of getting caught Read more
Non-obstructive Symptoms in Prostate Disorders
Real prostatic symptoms should not simply be tolerated as ‘old age’ but some symptoms could be due to other causes. As people get older, all their bodily functions can deteriorate and this includes the bladder. Irritative symptoms, such as frequency or urgency, are most likely to occur in this way. One common problem is needing Read more